CNVC (The International NVC organization): CNVC NVC Books: Puddle dancer CNVC bookstore Fellow Certified Trainers who were of a great source of inspiration to me: Oriane Boyer Marianne Gothlin Arnina Kashtan Eva Rambala Miki Kashtan Kathleen Macferran Robert Gonzales Fellow (non certified) trainers who studied with me for a long while: Frédéric Georges (France) Bastienne Nagy (France) Camille Lanos (France) Rose Marie De Falco (France) Amihay Zelinkovsky (Israel) Yael Koren (Israel) Roni Katz (Israel) Shanya Ben Haim (Israel) Yael Dan (Israel) Selene Aswell (Ireland) Loes Bekhout (NL) Simon Groen (NL) Mirjam Schulpen (NL) Cara Crisler (NL) Wendel Zwaal (NL) Floortje Vermeiden (NL) Bonno Lange (NL) Myra van Roon (NL) Marije Roos (NL) Jocelyn Ames (NL) Verbindwerk