I was born and lived in Israel until the age of 25 (1999) after which I moved to Europe to continue with my dance and performance career.
As an NVC trainer, I am now based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
23 years ago, I was extremely lucky to meet NVC and it completely changed my life. I became incredibly passionate about applying it to every aspect of my life. In fact, in 2008, I made the decision to leave behind all of my artistic activities so that I could dedicate myself fully to sharing and living NVC.
Since then, I’ve had the privilege of leading thousands of workshops all over the world in English, French, and Hebrew. I’ve been able to connect with so many people and learn to integrate and share NVC.
As part of my work, I also offer mediation sessions, which I find incredibly fulfilling. They provide me with a personal laboratory to better understand human dynamics, and I enjoy being able to support people in many delicate and intimate situations.
Ultimately, my biggest source of learning comes from the countless exchanges I have with people on a day-to-day basis. Every conversation is a chance to refine and deepen my embodied NVC awareness and skills, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to continue learning and growing in this way.
I am excited about NVC as a super simple and powerful tool that supports me again and again to create and maintain true cooperation, connection and love- both between people and within myself.
For me NVC is taking my meditation cushion into real life and living my deep values in millions of everyday life situations. NVC is a very concrete HOW TO that helps me to manifest compassion, self love, and love for others.
NVC is very effectively used in mediation and conflict resolution (on a personal level as well as on organizational and international levels). NVC shows a way for a social change and a revolution in our methods of education.
My approach
I am passionate about the tiny, tinier and tiniest details of what is going on between, and within, people. I love depth and I love meeting on the level of the very personal. I focus on revealing layers of authenticity and on the power of Compassion and Empathy.
My aim is to empower individuals (myself included) to act out of choice and inner clarity.
In group dynamics I foster clarity and aliveness, while concentrating on embodying and practicing aspects of the learning much more than on understanding the theory.
I support the mission of the International Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) by leading workshops around the globe in English, French and in Hebrew.
I specialize in Couples sessions & Mediation and one-on-one Empathy Healing Sessions
Spiritual practices
I am deeply and continuously nourished by my long trainings in bodywork methods. I spent 15 years as a dancer, dedicating my full time to bodywork. Tai-Chi, Butoh, Dance, Alexander Technique, Yoga, Paula technique and many others. My body is my main spiritual leader.
I was also influenced by methods such as “The Work” of Byron Katie and more.
And mostly, I learn through million of exchanges (and conflicts) with people, searching the path of Honesty & Empathy in every exchange day by day.
I am one of the 4 initiators of LIFE! / DSA which is a democratic NVC school for children ages 0-21 in Amsterdam.
Languages: English, Hebrew, French
My Vision & Mission
Applying the Nonviolent Communication principles, I envision a new paradigm of existence, for myself and for others. My mission is to facilitate the creation of life-serving systems, social structures, relationships, and the relationship to self. I do this by living and teaching the process of Nonviolent Communication, which strengthens the ability of people to compassionately connect with themselves and others, share resources and resolve conflicts.
Nonviolent Communication is a simple ‘technique’ giving a concrete tool, a ‘how to’ to create a society where everyone’s needs are met peacefully, joyfully and respectfully. My mission is to progressively contribute and take part in an educational and social transformation, walk toward a secret field: “Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there”. Rumi
For me, Yoram’s courses are unique. I have been blown up. By all of them. From the intermediate, advanced, ‘Mediation’ year course, and the ‘Embodying & Teaching NVC’ year course. Once I tasted the flavor of it, being part of one of his group became an essential need for me. His teaching combines a pure authenticity and a solid knowledge. A true-ness. A freedom. A loving energy and exceptional care of keeping the level at its very best. He evidently works connected to his heart and this makes him an incomparable trainer. It has been such a precious experience! Diving into myself, jumping in the NVC magic, printing it in my body and opening my heart to the world. And today able to truly connect with myself and others. Just a thank you to you Yoram is not enough. You brought me to my real path. I am in full, deep gratitude.
Virginie O.
I was not new to NVC when I stumbled on Yoram. After finishing the year course with him, I can fully say: his authenticity, care and embodiment of NVC are truly inspiring. He is an incredible role model but also a very skilled teacher. He is a leader without being directive. Always expressing with honesty and encouraging all others to do the same. I learned a way of listening to myself and finding the courage to bring myself with honesty to the world. This has changed my life. It is something that I did not learn in other NVC courses. I feel sincere gratitude to Yoram, not just for my own transformation but also for the hope he gives for a world that is more safe. I mourn that Marshall Rosenberg is no longer among us, but knowing that Yoram continues his work and intention in the genuine way that he does, fills my heart with appreciation and gratitude
Khawla S.
Took me 38 years to finally meet someone who could listen to me without somehow sneakily pushing an agenda of me ‘forgiving’ my abuser, and now I’m finally starting to heal. Thanks for being my enlightened witness Yoram!
With you I experience often that only through witnessing you, hearing, watching, experiencing you “doing” NVC, it touches something in me that goes beyond my mind, but some deep place in my body and soul where I suddenly know how I can do it.
It is as if one instrument stands next to another instrument that plays a certain tone and the 2nd instrument starts resonating in the same tone.
And this is for me mainly how to stay open-hearted and empathic when I am triggered. This is what I want to learn more and most.
I really appreciate you Yoram, you:
-hold a space for all of us by staying focussed and open at the same time
-bring many helpful examples to clarify the theory
-playfully act out those examples I can easily recognize so I can look at them without shame or guilt
-bring grace to all communication by using your tone of voice and body language (very graceful!)
-radiate your passion for NVC in an embodied way, it’s easy for me to believe your authenticity.
– What you teach keeps going with me beyond the class times, with every exchange I have (with others and with myself), it becomes me.
– and more and more and more…
Yoram is an incredibly good empathetic listener, someone who has made me feel safe and at ease to openly express my feelings (something I’ve always found difficult) without fear of judgement.
Yoram is helping me to learn how to connect to my feelings and to express them effectively to other people, especially my wife. I remember that after the first session I thought something like: “Wow! We are married for a few years now, but this is the first time that I can really hear what matters to her!” I felt more connected to her than I have ever before. I have faith again that we can overcome any challenge in our relationship and prosper together as a loving connected couple.
From the bottom of my heart THANK YOU for being who you are.
I already told you how much I love these human values that you embody. Certainly your tool is NVC, but for me you speak / resonate on another “level”. It is “presence”. You can call it Self / source / God / realization / consciousness, whatever. I can only say: it’s super nourishing for my soul!
I am in infinite gratitude every moment. Since this 1st course in 2017 everything has changed… today I meet all life challenges with a certain welcoming presence … END of suffering ! Something in me stays clear within, and the rest is constantly moving: the flower the sun the people… I am alive and I taste life, every moment with intensity!
For me, in your presence, I taste the matrix! Thank you for allowing me in your presence the completeness of the consciousness that we are.
Yoram to me is a living example of NVC. The dedication he puts into ‘putting what he preaches into practice, into reality’ is something I haven’t seen yet elsewhere in my life with such precision and fullness!
The care he has for his participants and the vulnerable position he puts himself in, being transparent and honest in for as far as I can see all possible situations. While in the meantime being a teacher and also a fellow human being!
I love being around him and in the atmosphere he creates- mostly by simply being an example of how you can truly be your authentic self. It creates an atmosphere of safety, openness, care, transformation and aliveness that is something that I wish to be spread around the whole world, and as soon as possible (And Yoram is doing a really good job in doing exactly this!).
Thank you Yoram for staying true to your passion and yourself and showing me and lots of others the way to do exactly the same in this completely differently educated world.
Erwin G.