
Train-the-trainer: Embodying & Teaching NVC

'Nonviolent Communication'

Train-the-trainer: Embodying & Teaching NVC

On the road to becoming an NVC trainer

6 months, 2.5 days training per month

With CNVC certified trainer Yoram Mosenzon

ONLINE training

Hello everyone,

We’re thrilled to invite you to our ‘Train the Trainer’ Year long Course number  29th (!!!) (we offered so far: 12 such courses in Amsterdam, 9 in France, 6 online, 1 in Belgium and 1 in Switzerlands).  This training is aimed at those who want to dive, with a group of other NVC enthusiasts, into deeply embodying NVC. Together we will move slowly towards sharing NVC with others through one on one sessions and teaching NVC.



The online course will be held using Zoom. Sessions will be recorded and will be available for participants to view (not to download) until 3 weeks after the course is over.


This course is meant for those of you who would like to take the next steps toward embodying and teaching NVC.

Embodying NVC

We will create a context to deepen into NVC, to manifest it in millions of situations in our lives. For me teaching NVC comes directly from the way we embody it – this is the bread and butter of it all.

Learning NVC is different from learning mathematics. It’s not something you can ‘study and then know it’. I experience the learning as deepening in spirals of embodiment, leading to super-powerful paradigm shifts, skills and awareness. 

Teaching NVC

You will learn and gain confidence in:
❀ Offering 1 on 1 Empathy sessions (Coaching and consulting based on NVC)
❀ Teaching/sharing NVC
❀ the Art of Facilitation, team and community building
❀ Being a leader of a group/team/community, etc.


Scroll all the way down to see the list of topics we are likely to address during this Year Course.

Offering 1 on 1 Empathy Sessions

Learning Empathy is a lifelong practice. This year will be a great opportunity to practice, practice, practice towards gaining confidence and skills in offering private Empathy sessions. There will be 4 workshop days solely dedicated to gaining and deepening Empathy skills. We will learn such practices as Deepening Empathy Skills, Role Play, About ‘Healing’, Empathizing with Inner Jackals and more. You will be invited to practice these skills in 2 other contexts:

Empathy Buddy

Once a week you will be invited to have a 40 minute to 1 hour phone/Skype/Zoom Empathy practice with another participant from the course. The focus will be on specific exercises or general “emotional hygiene”. This will give you the opportunity to practice Empathy and also give you regular Empathic support for any life issues you might be dealing with.

Empathy Project

You will be invited to choose a person(s) to whom you will offer (at least) 20 hours of Empathy sessions.
I’m particularly excited about the Empathy Project as I believe it can meet many needs such as:
❀ Learning and gaining confidence and experience in offering Empathic listening
❀ Contribution to people and society
❀ etc.

This will play as an Empathy lab where we can try things out, deepen and expand our skills, and gain clarity and capacity in Empathic listening. We’ll share and reflect on our challenges with Empathic listening as a group so that we have the opportunity to learn from one another.

Teaching NVC

Teaching NVC to others is one of the most powerful ways to deepen learning and embodiment that I’ve experienced.

Learning to teach

We will touch on such points as:
❀ Tips and structures for introducing NVC: introducing NVC to a single person, a group, in a course setting, a workshop or an evening introduction
❀ Dealing with teaching challenges: looking at the choices you have as a trainer. Exploring ways to stay human in all situations, truly living the principles of NVC at all times
❀ Principles in Leadership ‘Be the Need you wish to see in the world’
❀ How to answer questions: recognizing the choice of when to answer a question versus seeing it as a request for Empathy
❀ Setting up Role-Plays
❀ Facilitating a group: Group consent decision-making processes, and general skills in facilitation
❀ And more…

Teaching each other

You will be encourage to create ‘Teaching Practice Groups’ where you will be teaching each other.
 In this way you will gain experience in explaining NVC, answering questions, leading/coaching exercises, and leading sessions.

Community Building & the Art of Facilitation

NVC is a set of skills that helps me to live interdependently in the world. Each time I teach a group a community is created. We will be exploring community in the following ways:

❀ Learning how to build a sense of safety that allows Honesty and Vulnerability. How to create a group where one can truly be themselves.
❀ Exploring how to create the experience of Inclusion, where people experience that they matter and feel they have a place in the group.
❀ Facilitating a group:
– in training
– in circles (such as: gender circles, Celebration/Mourning circles, bridging beyond difference in opinions circle, facilitating a consent group decision making)
 The Art of Living Together: Community building weekends. I once saw a performance called If You Really Want to get to Know Me, Come and Live with Me. I don’t remember the performance itself well, but the title has stayed with me for years. We will live, eat, breathe, and practice NVC together 24/7.

We will look into subjects such as Radical Empathy/Radical Honesty, Inclusion, Safety, Consensus Group Decision Making, Choice, Freedom, Self-care and more.

Group Platform for connection throughout the Year Course:

We will create an online platform (Mighty network) specifically for the members of this year’s course. It’s a platform for sharing your celebrations, mournings, questions, requests, challenges, wonders… We’ve found it a special community space for connection, sharing and learning in past courses.

Course content: Topics

Here is an overview on the topics we are likely to address during the year course (written based on the bi-monthly online format, yet the more condensed Face to Face format will address the same themes):

1. January:
In the context of offering 1 on 1 sessions:
– Empathy boost, refining skills and choices in the Art of Empathy: Empathy in the body, Juicing the Needs, Street Giraffe, Mourning ⇔ The beauty of the needs, following ⇔ Reaching, rhythm and more

2. February:
– Role Play: 1-3
– Extra Role Plays (such as speaking with body part or sickness)
– About Healing + Healing Dialogue as a Role Play

3. March:
In the context of Sharing/Teaching NVC:
– The Art of Leadership
– Receiving attention and the skill of transparency
– Humanizing teaching & dealing with challenging teaching situations
– Answering questions
– Structure for facilitating an introduction to NVC for 1 person
– Supporting on the 4 steps
– Role Play: Speaking with myself compassionately

– Facilitation skills: Interruption, quick reformulations, going under opinions, Need → Request, going beyond ‘objections’, etc.
– Facilitating consent group decision making: Short & Long
– Facilitating gender circle or other circles (such as grieving/despair circles, celebration circles, de-polarization circles etc)
– Structure for Introduction evening

5. June:
– Radical Honesty: transforming ‘filters of love’
– Challenging topics in the context of being a trainer: Sexuality, Asking Money, use of Power, what is my Responsibility as a trainer, special mental states.
– Structures for teaching NVC: Introduction, course and workshop
– The 4 ears & dealing with judgments and resistance towards the trainer

6. July:
– Fear process 1 & 2 (what prevents us from offering ourself to the world)
– The healing power of fantasy
– Vision work
– Loose ends

❤ We expect this plan to be manifested to about 85%. In order to make the course alive and connected to the participant’s interest and experience, we like to keep a flexibility to about 15% to fit the design of the course to the present interest of the participants, moment by moment during the course.

Learning style

You will be invited to work on examples from your own life in an interactive and safe learning environment. We will practice Nonviolent Communication through demonstrations, role-play and exercises in order to integrate NVC values and language more into our daily lives.
The way we teach is: 30% Theory and 70% of Practice/Demonstration/Learning from LIVE situations that are happening in the here and now. Our focus is very much on the Embodied aspect of ‘Nonviolent Communication’, so be ready to dive.

Extra support

Assistants: We will have assistants accompanying us during this course. They’ve already completed the Basic, Intermediate, Advanced and Year Courses with us and some are engaged in their steps toward teaching/sharing NVC.

Desired amount of experience

I find it very helpful if people joining this program have already acquired a base in understanding the 4 Steps (of NVC) and Empathy. We ask that you have a minimum 100 hours of previous NVC training before joining. If you have questions or doubts about how your level of experience fits this course you’re welcome to share this with us and we can figure it out together.

Dates & Times

6 weekends, each lasting 2.5 days from Friday to Sunday.

All times are written in CET time (Amsterdam time zone):


Friday:  15:00 – 18:00
Saturday:  15:00 – 21:00
Sunday:  15:00 – 21:00


❀ 24-26 January 2025
❀ 21-23 February 2025
❀ 21-23 March 2025
❀ 18-20 April 2025
❀ 06-08 June 2025
❀ 11-13 July 2025


This 15 days course is a choice between €1450 – €2900

→  The choice of fees depends on your income and free will. The idea behind a sliding scale is that we all have different current financial situations, and we like to be flexible so that your financial contribution fits your financial situation as well as your personal wish to support us.

→ When paid by a business, it is the highest fee on the scale

→  Invoices are Vrijgesteld (VAT free).

❤ Regarding Money
We wouldn’t want money to prevent anyone from learning NVC! We see money as a strategy to care for the sustainability of our giving. It’s important for us to have a sense of mutual contribution. ‘Receiving’ supports us in meeting our practical stability (money), as well as supports us emotionally to be in balance and keep our hearts open to more giving. While we stand firmly for our need of mutual contribution, we’re flexible about possible strategies on how to meet this need. Money is our preferred strategy, as it’s easy for us to transfer it to the exact things that contribute to us. That being said, if the amount we ask would prevent you from joining, we can offer the following:
1. If you’re coming from a country where the income/currency is lower than the prices in euros, we’re open to finding a price that makes sense and keeps hearts open.
2. If you’re currently having a challenging period financially, you can pay us at a later date when your finances are better. Sometimes people even pay us a few years later.
3. We’re open to brainstorming other ways you can contribute to us, though it’s not always easy to find things that both you would enjoy contributing and that would actually be contributing to us.

Time Investment

❀  15 Training days
❀  Call/s with your Empathy buddy: minimum 1 hour a week
❀  Empathy project: minimum of 20 hours
❀ Introducing NVC to 1 person: at least 5 times
❀  Exercises: between our meetings you will be invited to explore specific practices. You will also be encouraged to focus on this practice:
→ Externally: by bringing it to many different situations in your life.
→ Internally: through journaling, inner dialogues, keeping track of your challenges and learnings.


The main spoken language in the course will be English. Small group work can be held in English or in other languages (if your exercise partner speaks your language). Translation may be available if at any moment one wishes to express oneself in their own language.


Yoram is a CNVC certified trainer and will offer you a Certificate of Attendance.
This course can support you in the process of becoming a CNVC certified trainer. It counts both as hours with a certified trainer as well as experience in sharing NVC.
Contact us if you wish for more information regarding how this course fits the requirements for becoming a certified trainer.


At the end of each training you will receive a full summary of the learning. Many other handouts and materials will be provided, depending on the learning theme.
As an extra, you will receive a 30 page booklet written by Yoram: “Basket for offering 1 on 1 sessions”.

At the end of each weekend you will receive a Zoom recording of the session to view (not for download), available until 3 weeks after the course is over.


In order to help us getting to know you a little please fill in this questionnaire when booking your place:

    Embodying & Teaching NVC

    Interests, wishes and personal details:

    Thank you, we are very much looking forward to you joining us!

    Yoram Mosenzon

    To book your place

    To book your place, simply follow the 4 steps below.
    If you have any questions , please contact us at:

    1. Fill in the Questionnaire (click on the blue tab above next to ‘registration’)
    2. Read the Terms & Conditions (Many of us never read ‘Terms & Conditions’… and, we would recommend you to read this one to be sure we’re together and on the same page).
    3. Fill in the form below.
    4. Complete the €200 non-refundable prepayment (To see the complete course fee click on the blue tab ‘Practical information’).

    Regarding the remainder of the payment:

    – We ask that you pay the remainder of the course fees towards the end of the course: after the 5th weekend (June 2025). We suggest you pay at the end because we like people to know what they’re paying for. We do this because we wish for your payment to be more connected to gratitude rather than to a sense of duty. If you prefer to pay earlier this is also welcome.

    ❀ ‘The regret period’: We process a refund for your prepayment only if the cancellation occurs within 14 days from the date you made the prepayment, and if your cancellation request is made at least 5 working days before the course officially begins.

    If you want to pay with options such as CREDIT CARD, IDEAL etc. fill in the form below.
    If you want to make a regular BANK TRANSFER (only from EU banks) click this: link
