
Connecting in Conflict: Switzerland

A Nonviolent Communication (NVC) weekend workshop

Connecting in Conflict: Switzerland

How conflict can become an opportunity for deeper closeness

16-17 November 2024 Geneva, Switzerland

With CNVC certified trainer and mediator Yoram Mosenzon

Do you like conflicts?

In school we may have gained book knowledge, but we learned very few skills in how to deal with people. This weekend will be dedicated to learning the Art of Dialogue – building skills in conflict resolution, communication and deepening human relationships.
And most importantly: How to ENJOY conflict, perhaps as the most meaningful moment of getting to know myself and the other, building trust, healing, and learning how to coexist and love.


I’ve traveled in many countries and met thousands of people. One thing that unites us is that we all, every one of us, have conflicts. Some people keep their conflicts well hidden, others express them loudly, but every person I’ve met experiences challenges with others. 

We all deal with irritations, disappointments, hurts, fears, struggles and communication challenges – with our families, children, partner, friends, neighbors and colleagues.

We will explore

❀ How to connect in conflict and transform conflicts into a deeper trust

❀ How to deal with misunderstandings and differences in opinion between people

❀ The power of Empathy and how it transforms situations and relationships

❀ How to be fully honest but not judgmental

❀ How to deal with inner conflicts (fights between different parts of ourselves)

❀ How to ask (and stand) for what you want

❀ And more…

About NVC

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) (PhD Marshall Rosenberg) is a practical communication tool that radically transforms your relationship with yourself and others. NVC cultivates assertive honesty mixed with a deep quality of Empathy.

NVC transforms conflicts into love and clarity.

NVC takes you from your meditation cushion into real life – it helps you live your deep values in relationships and millions of day-to-day life situations.
 NVC deeply transforms your communication with yourself toward a quality of profound compassion.

Learning style

You will be invited to work on examples from your own life in an interactive and safe learning environment. We will practice Nonviolent Communication through demonstrations, role-play and exercises in order to integrate NVC values and language more into our daily lives.
The way we teach is: 30% Theory and 70% of Practice/Demonstration/Learning from LIVE situations that are happening in the here and now. Our focus is very much on the Embodied aspect of ‘Nonviolent Communication’, so be ready to dive.

Extra support

Assistants: We will have assistants accompanying us during this course. They’ve already completed the Basic, Intermediate, Advanced and Year Courses with us and some are engaged in their steps toward teaching/sharing NVC.


Avenue De Sécheron 11, 1202 Genève (Geneva), Switzerland


16-17 November 2024
Saturday  10:00 – 18:00
Sunday  09:00 – 17:00


This workshop will be conducted in English. Yoram understands French, so you can always speak French and have it translated. Small group activities can be conducted in any language you feel comfortable with, as long as there are other participants who speak the same language. 🙂.


For this workshop, the fee is:
between €300- €600

→ The choice of fees depends on your income and free will. The idea behind a sliding scale is that we all have different current financial situations, and we like to be flexible so that your financial contribution fits your financial situation as well as your personal wish to support us.

→ When paid by a business, it is the highest fee on the scale

→  Invoices are Vrijgesteld (VAT free).


For questions and information:
Sandy Perrin:

❤ Regarding Money

We wouldn’t want money to prevent anyone from learning NVC! We see money as a strategy to care for the sustainability of our giving. It’s important for us to have a sense of mutual contribution. ‘Receiving’ supports us in meeting our practical stability (money), as well as supports us emotionally to be in balance and keep our hearts open to more giving. While we stand firmly for our need of mutual contribution, we’re flexible about possible strategies on how to meet this need. Money is our preferred strategy, as it’s easy for us to transfer it to the exact things that contribute to us. That being said, if the amount we ask would prevent you from joining, we can offer the following:
1. If you’re coming from a country where the income/currency is lower than the prices in euros, we’re open to finding a price that makes sense and keeps hearts open.
2. If you’re currently having a challenging period financially, you can pay us at a later date when your finances are better. Sometimes people even pay us a few years later.
3. We’re open to brainstorming other ways you can contribute to us, though it’s not always easy to find things that both you would enjoy contributing and that would actually be contributing to us.

Extra support

We will have assistants accompanying us during this course.

To book your place:

To book your place, follow the 3 steps below. If you have any questions please contact Sandy Perrin:

1. Read the Terms & Conditions (Many of us never read ‘Terms & Conditions’… and, we would recommend you to read this one to be sure we’re together and on the same page).
2. Fill in the form below (scroll down).
3. Complete the €100 non-refundable prepayment (To see the complete course fee click on the tab ‘Practical information’)
Regarding the remainder of the payment:  We ask that you pay the remainder of the course fees within a week of finishing the course. We suggest you pay at the end because we like people to know what they’re paying for. We do this because we wish for your payment to be more connected to gratitude rather than to a sense of duty. If you prefer to pay earlier this is also welcome.

‘The regret period’: We process a refund for your prepayment only if the cancellation occurs within 14 days from the date you made the prepayment, and if your cancellation request is made at least 5 working days before the course officially begins.

If you want to pay with options such as CREDIT CARD, IDEAL etc. fill in the form below.
If you want to make a regular BANK TRANSFER (only from EU banks) click this: link
