
Year Course: NVC Mediation & Systemic Lense

Face to Face: 2 times full week, and 3 weekends

Year Course: NVC Mediation & Systemic Lense

Life skill, professional skill

September 2024 till May 2025

Mediation: with CNVC certified trainer and mediator Yoram Mosenzon. Systemic Lense with Tanja Walliser and Livio Lunin from Empathie Stadt Zürich


Mediator is both the name of a profession and a crucial role in life and society. My wish is that all human beings on this planet acquire the skill to mediate.

This course is designed for those of you who want to learn mediation as a life skill and/or aim to have it as a profession. 

This course encompasses all teachings of a regular Mediation Year course and it includes additionally 3 weekends with Empathie Stadt Zürich trainers: Tanja Walliser and Livio Lunin.
These 3 weekends will be focused on:
1. Practice Mediation
2. Looking at these teachings through a systemic lens


2 full weeks with Yoram:

❀  27 September – 03 October 2024 (Friday till Thursday)
❀  06 January – 12 January 2025 (Monday till Sunday)

3 weekends with Tanja & Livio

❀ Weekend 29 November – 01 December 2024
❀ Weekend 21 March – 23 March 2025
❀ Weekend 16 May – 18 May 2025

Yoram, Tanja & Livio

This course will consists of 2 full weeks of training with Yoram Mosenzon: The Art of NVC Mediation, and 3 weekends with Tanja & Livio that will be focused on both:

  • Practice what we have learned with Yoram
  • Adding the systemic lense


About the 2 weeks with Yoram:

Mediation is a fundamental social skill

If you spend time with children, friends, colleagues, or in any kind of meeting or gathering, then you surely have some mediation skills already.

Conflict is not necessarily when two or more people shout at each other. There are many scales (small to large) of challenges, misunderstandings, tensions and unspoken frustration whenever there is cooperation between people.

Mediation in daily life

Mediation as a practice in daily life is based on the assumption that the structure of two is not enough. When two people are stimulated they are less available to Empathize, to see the beauty in one another. The mediator is simply a third party who is not stimulated and has the skills to help create connection, cooperation and creativity to discover and meet everyone’s needs.

My dream

I wish mediation was a basic life skill that was taught in schools starting at the age of 3… I dream of a world where all human beings have mediation skills to support understanding, cooperation and connection when conflicts, misunderstandings or differences in opinion arise.

The Intention, Art and Craft of Mediation

You will learn:

❀  How to enjoy conflict – staying centered when a conflict becomes heated

❀  The role of mediator – what a mediator is actually responsible for, and how to make it fun and meaningful rather than feel like a stressful job

❀  Mediation structure: pre-mediation, mediation, post mediation

❀  The 5 Movements of Passing a Message – the basic rhythm of a mediation

❀  The practice of Interruption that Brings Connection

❀  Deepening Empathic skills – Empathy as the bread and butter of mediation

❀  How to lead dialogue towards sustainable agreements

❀  Going beyond a ‘NO’ – how to continue when one or both parties don’t agree to a suggestion

❀  “Instead of going to court, shall we go deeper?” – when a conflict seems stuck we can always go one layer deeper until connection and cooperation naturally surface

❀  How to be impartial

❀  Self-connection and self-expression as a mediator

❀  How to go beyond concepts of fairness and how to free a dialogue from demands to encourage free choice

❀  Inner mediation – mediating a conflict between different voices within one person

❀ How to facilitate a Healing Dialogue

❀ Group mediation

❀  And more…

This course will

Give you skills, tools, experience, clarity and competence to lead professional mediations as well as initiate day-to-day mediations in many life situations.


About the 3 weekends with Tanja & Livio:

There is always a systemic element to conflict

Weekend 1: Systems Lens of NVC

  • Understanding systems of oppression
  • Marshall Rosenberg’s teachings about domination culture
  • How to identify and take care of systemic conditions in conflict

Weekend 2: Are observations facts? Objectivity in Conflict 

  • Systemic biases and how they shape our experience, including our observations
  • Cultural differences in expressing emotions, needs, and requests
  • Internalized identities in conflict (men are dangerous, women are emotional, etc.)

Weekend 3: Power and privilege beyond blame

  • How to separate power and privilege from ascriptions of blame and wrongness
  • Accounting for power and privilege in conflict without falling into an attitude of blame 
  • How to take care of guilt for privilege and open towards care for all

Practice, practice, practice … and enjoy the mountains

Tanja Walliser and Livio Lunin will also offer ample time to deepen and practice the content that is taught by Yoram Mosenzon during the two weeks.

Learning style

You will be invited to work on examples from your own life in an interactive and safe learning environment. We will practice Nonviolent Communication through demonstrations, role-play and exercises in order to integrate NVC values and language more into our daily lives.
The way we teach is: 30% Theory and 70% of Practice/Demonstration/Learning from LIVE situations that are happening in the here and now. Our focus is very much on the Embodied aspect of ‘Nonviolent Communication’, so be ready to dive.

Extra support

Assistants: We will have about assistants accompanying us during this course. They’ve already completed the Basic, Intermediate, Advanced and Year Courses with us and some are engaged in their steps toward teaching/sharing NVC.

Desired amount of Experience

I find it very helpful if people joining this program have already acquired a base in understanding the 4 Steps (of NVC) and Empathy. We ask that you have a minimum of 100 hours previous NVC training before joining. If you have questions or doubts about how your level of experience fits this course you’re welcome to share this with us and we can figure it out together.


Location: Haus Strela, Langwies GR, Switzerland



❀ Friday September 27th- Thursday 3rd October (week with Yoram Mosenzon)
❀ Weekend November 29th – 1st december (weekend with Tanja Walliser and Livio Lunin)

❀ Monday 06 – Sunday 12 January (week with Yoram Mosenzon)
❀ Weekend March 21st-23rd (weekend with Tanja Walliser and Livio Lunin)
❀ Weekend May 16th-18th (weekend with Tanja Walliser and Livio Lunin)


Week-long: 1st day 13:00 till last day 15:00,
❀ Weekend: Friday 18:00 till Sunday 16:00


Mario Schuhmacher cooks vegan and regional organic food for us


There are two separate payments to this training:
1. Price for Yoram’s teaching, food and accommodation: Choose between 2’990-4’640 Euro.
This is the price for Yoram’s teaching (two weeks), as well as for all meals and accommodation (two weeks and three weekends).
2. We don’t charge for Tanja’s & Livio’s teaching: gift economy
We offer the weekends according to the principles of gift economy. In short, this means that you pay the amount that feels right. If you want to know more about our approach to money, send a message to, read more here (in German) or listen to our «sE>ndung» about our approach to money (in Swiss German).

→  For Yoram’s teaching, food & accommodation the choice of fees depends on your income and free will. The idea behind a sliding scale is that we all have different current financial situations, and we like to be flexible so that your financial contribution fits your financial situation as well as your personal wish to support us.

→  Invoices are Vrijgesteld (VAT free).

❤ Regarding Money
We wouldn’t want money to prevent anyone from learning NVC! We see money as a strategy to care for the sustainability of our giving. It’s important for us to have a sense of mutual contribution. ‘Receiving’ supports us in meeting our practical stability (money), as well as supports us emotionally to be in balance and keep our hearts open to more giving. While we stand firmly for our need of mutual contribution, we’re flexible about possible strategies on how to meet this need. Money is our preferred strategy, as it’s easy for us to transfer it to the exact things that contribute to us. That being said, if the amount we ask would prevent you from joining, we can offer the following:

1. If you’re coming from a country where the income/currency is lower than the prices in euros, we’re open to finding a price that makes sense and keeps hearts open.
2. If you’re currently having a challenging period financially, you can pay us at a later date when your finances are better. Sometimes people even pay us a few years later.
3. We’re open to brainstorming other ways you can contribute to us, though it’s not always easy to find things that both you would enjoy contributing and that would actually be contributing to us.


The main spoken language in the course will be English. Small group work can be held in English or in other languages (if your exercise partner speaks your language). Translation may be available if at any moment one wishes to express oneself in their own language.


At the end of each session you will receive a written summary of the last session. Other handouts will be provided, depending on the learning theme.

Extra support

Assistants: We will have about 10 assistants accompanying us during this course. They’ve already completed the Basic, Intermediate, Advanced and Year courses with us and are engaged in their steps toward teaching/sharing NVC.

To book your place

Registration: Write an email to
Our courses are usually fully booked. If you would like to take part, you can secure your place by transferring a registration deposit of 200 Euro. The deposit serves as confirmation that you are sure that you want to participate in the course.