
Fanny Gracia

Fanny Gracia


How can there be so much distance between me and someone when there is so much love?

Writing this I am nervous about what to express so you can get to know me. I would rather hear from you what you would like to hear about me and how what I share lands with you…

One of the most meaningful things for me is to connect to reality. I love to be humbled by its nature, to explore it and let it pull me out of my interpretations, imaginations and stories about it. The moments I connect with reality are often when I feel closest to life.
With this I fell in love with physics, and how science offers tools that enable me to pull myself out of my assumptions about things, and collect information about what is actually going on. 
And I so, so love that, to me, what is actually going on is continuously more fascinating, engaging and intelligent than the stories I am able to create about it.

My biggest struggle with this passion to understand reality came when losing one of the most important love relationships in early 2020. I was lost in my assumptions and confusion, and profoundly helpless in the paralysis of not knowing how to be close.
In fact, I have been feeling a similar confusion very often in my life when being with people: What makes it hard to be really myself with others? Why do I start to feel less alive with the people I love most? How can there be so much distance between me and someone when there is so much love?

Finally, I visited a workshop with Yoram in early 2020. The bomb of clarity his teachings were to me blew my mind: I had not expected the existence of such helpful tools to help me understand the details of what is going on in my connection with myself and with others. 

I’m touched to tears of gratitude… to experience that these specific tools are actually what helps me most in life to create closeness with myself and with others, and to create the freedom of living honesty together in a way that brings us closer; a freedom that allows us to feel alive, together.

Languages: English, German, French